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Corporate social responsibility and ethical leadership: Investigating their interactive effect on employees' socially responsible behaviors
Omer Farooq
2018, Journal of Business Ethics, 151, pp.923-939
Corporate social responsibility
Ethical leadership
Green behavior
Organizational identification
Socially responsible behavior
Societal behavior
This research investigates the interlinkage between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and ethical leadership in inducing employees’ socially responsible behaviors (SRBs). Specifically, building on organizational identification theory and cue consistency theory, we develop and test an integrated moderated mediation framework in which employees’ perception of ethical leadership moderates the mediating mechanism between their perceptions of CSR (i.e., perceived CSR–environment and perceived CSR–community), organizational identification, and SRBs (i.e., green and societal behaviors). The findings highlight the need for consistency between employees’ perceptions of CSR and ethical leadership to foster their propensity to further social good through relationship-building activities with their organization. The results, which largely verify the theoretical framework, contribute to and have implications for both research and practice.

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